It’s a contactless mobile ordering app that allows customers at a restaurant (Clark Street pub) to view the food menu, place and order and pay for their food, all from their phone.

Clark Street Pub,
Contactless ordering app
Project Overview
The restaurant is understaffed and because of that customers feel neglected and can’t place orders in a timely manner. Not only does this affect the reputation of the restaurant but it hurts the restaurants profits because tables aren’t being turned over as quickly as they should be.
The goal is to streamline the ordering process by allowing the customer to use their phone to make an order, rather than waiting for someone to come over and take their order.
Another goal is to reduce the stress put on the understaffed restaurant.
User Research Summary
I conducted interviews with people who go out for food and drinks on a semi-regular basis. I asked about the ordering process and how they felt about the experience.
I also asked owners and staff and local neighborhood restaurants about how they felt about the ordering process.
Pain Points
Short Handed
Profits loss
Due to staffing shortages the customers don’t get the attention they need to make orders in a timely manner and feel ignored.
Customers feel like they have to “flag down” a waiter to place and order or pay the check.
The restaurant loses out on potential profits because customers don’t order multiple rounds of drinks because the staff is spread too thin and can’t check in on all the tables.
Customers didn’t want to ask a bunch of questions to find out if a menu item fit their dietary needs.

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